Is it Ok to Ask Questions During Rehearsal? Tips and Strategies

Here are more techniques for both conductors and singers to consider after reading the article "Is It Okay to Ask Questions During Rehearsal" by Kelsey Menehan.

•    Set aside time at the beginning of the rehearsal period to discuss the program and the rehearsal schedule.
•    Ask singers to filter their questions though their section leaders, designate time for questions periodically during the rehearsal and/or ask singers to write down their questions and provide the answers in a newsletter.
•    As the rehearsals progress, be clear about the type of questions you will be willing to entertain.
•    Handle the problem question askers in private; do not shame them in front of their fellow choristers.

•    If you’re new to a chorus, refrain from asking questions until you understand the group norms.
•    Ask the conductor whether he or she has a policy about question asking.
•    When in doubt, ask your section leader first.