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Don't miss your chance to be part of the Choral Executive Leadership Academy! Register by April 24.


Chorus America appreciates that you or your organization may have the means to shoulder the full cost of the program; or you may need support. Our tiered pricing program allows participants to select the cost that is the best fit for their current circumstances.

  • Tier 1: I Need Maximum Support - $500
    For community members requiring the maximum amount of financial assistance available.
  • Tier 2: I Can Pay a Little More - $750
    For those able to contribute more but still needing substantial support.
  • Tier 3: I Need Some Assistance - $1000
    A balanced option for those who can cover a substantial portion but benefit from some support.
  • Tier 4: I Can Pay Most of It - $1250
    For those with greater financial capacity who still appreciate some assistance.
  • Tier 5: I Can Pay All of It - $1500
    The standard rate that represents your capacity to cover the complete cost of the program.

*Please note: Registration fee does not include travel or accommodations for the Leadership Academy's in-person gatherings. Participants receive complimentary registration to attend Chorus America's 2025 Conference in St. Louis.


Contact Karyn Castro, associate director of programs and membership, at or 202-331-7577 x246.